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Can lip fillers look natural?

The short answer is yes, they absolutely can!

The next question to be answered in our blog series of FAQs about Lip Fillers is ‘Can Lip Fillers Look Natural’ … There is, of course, more to the story than this! Over the last few years, the fashion has been for big, plump, tight looking lips, and as a result, there have been quite a few horror stories and lots of images that have frankly scared people off. The trend shows large, overfilled lips with a sausage shape, or duck-bill pouts, and the ever-memorable ‘trout pout’.

‘Sausage lips’ trend – this woman allegedly has the biggest lips in the world.
The ‘Russian Lips’ trend (perhaps this will be renamed now?!) – wider, flatter lips.
These very full ‘tight’ looking lips (usually marked as ‘juicy lips’) is still very common in younger girls, and unfortunately scare a lot of women off from having lip fillers.

Fortunately, I do feel that the tide is starting to turn and women are slowly, slowly starting to move away from this. I think it will take a while to filter down into the younger age groups – but lots of women in the spotlight have recently realised that over time their faces, including their lips had become unrecognisable from the number of lip fillers that they had used.

Courtney Cox is a great example of this – she was interviewed in February of this year, telling how she realised a few years ago that she didn’t look like herself anymore, and looked odd and distorted. It starts with a bit here and a bit there, and you don’t notice the changes until suddenly you look back and realise you are not the same person.

She looks much more like the Courtney cox we remember, but actually, she has most definitely carried on with some great skin treatments, and I suspect botox is still in her routine! She is looking much. Nicer – ageing gracefully, with appropriate skin treatments.

So back to the question of Can Lip Fillers Look Natural?

In an earlier blog, I discussed the difference between injecting under 30’s compared to over 40’s (with a grey area in the middle!!) Generally speaking lip fillers in under 30’s are more to change someone’s look – whereas, with older women, it is often to get back some of what ageing and menopause have done to the volume of their lips.

This image is showing the amount of volume lost over the course of 4 years, during perimenopause in one of my clients – the top image is most recent, with the bottom image, with far more volume, was 4 years ago. 

The top is before lip fillers, the bottom is how her lips were 4 years ago – noticeably fuller. Perimenopause and age have caused this loss of volume.

There are many reasons to do lip fillers, but as far as I am concerned, I only want to do natural-looking lip fillers. I will, and have, refused to do lips that will look really full and unnatural. That’s not the type of practice I want to be associated with – but each to their own, there are always practitioners who will fulfil their client’s wishes.

Very subtle natural lips fillers
Even more mature women can benefit from natural lip fillers – this lady is 73!
Subtle, natural lip fillers on an 18-year-old

By treating lips naturally and gently, you will avoid the risks of over-stretching the lips and leaving it almost impossible to go without fillers in the future, and leave a lovely subtle, natural plumpness that is hydrating and perfect for a great lipstick! Trends come and go, in lip fillers and aesthetics as in anything else, so keep it natural, keep it subtle and stay looking fresh, younger and gorgeous!

So now you’ve learnt a little more – it’s time we had a consultation. Click below to book in and we’ll discuss your treatment plan.

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