This is probably the most commonly asked question I get about fillers – alongside are lip fillers painful. Fortunately, most people do value safety – I think because I am putting fillers in peoples’ faces, they want to know that they are safe. This isn’t always the case though – sadly a lot of people out there will put price before safety.
My latest article in the Express and Star discusses the ethical issues around injecting both fillers and botox in clients of different ages – the focus on injectables on the under 30’s is very different usually to why I inject the over 40’s. Since moving to our new clinic here at Lichfield Health and Fitness Club, in Boley Park in Lichfield I’m getting more bookings for lip fillers – and a lot more people asking this question!
So, are lip fillers safe?
If you can answer the following questions then in theory, your lip filler treatment should be safe.
Is the practitioner medically qualified (i.e. nurse, doctor, dentist – and a member of an official body such as the NMC/GMC etc)?
Is the practitioner properly insured?
Does the practitioner have evidence of training and qualifications?
Have you a reliable word of mouth recommendation?
Does the practitioner have a transparent policy regarding treatment, review, problem solving if something should go not according to plan.
Do they have good, genuine reviews?
There is a big push to make injectable cosmetics such as fillers and botulinum toxin (or ‘botox’) ONLY available through registered medical professionals. There are many reasons for doing this, although, as in any industry there are good and bad in both the medical side and the non-medic side. However, you get an added layer of protection when you use a registered medic – they have a Professional registration to protect, so are far less likely to be reckless with your treatment.
If performed properly and within all the boundaries required, then yes, lip fillers are a safe treatment. Most fillers are made from various formulations of Hyaluronic Acid, which is a substance naturally produced in the skin, which over time are slowly broken down and reabsorbed into the body. However it must be remembered that you are having a substance injected under the skin, so it is possible to have swelling and bruising and even some numbness following a treatment. Lumps and nodules are also common, although they should settle over a few weeks. These side effects are actually very common (although it turns out I have a pretty good track record when it comes to bruising!). When done properly most side effects should be mild and should resolve within a few weeks. Fillers take a couple of weeks to really settle though, so you don’t need to panic if it doesn’t feel quite right for a few days!
Issues that need urgent advice and possibly treatment, are severe pain, sudden bruising or an area that appears white or cold, and doesn’t settle. On very rare occasions a blood vessel can become blocked with the filler, and if it is not treated immediately, can lead to tissue death (‘necrosis’), and even blindness if the filler is accidentally injected into an artery that supplies the eyes. A good practitioner should know where to inject – and more importantly where not to inject, so these problems should be very rare. However, because everyone has different anatomy, it is possible that even the most experienced injector could end up with what is known as a vascular occlusion in a filler client. What is important here is how that practitioner deals with it!
Firstly, ALL of my clients sign to say that if they experience ANY unusual side effects after they leave me, they must contact ME and this is very important! It is my work, I know where I have injected, I know WHAT I have injected – and more importantly I have the right products to treat it. I also only inject fillers when I know I will be available in Lichfield for a few days to review them if necessary – not if I am about to go on holiday for example!
A good practitioner will never ignore a client if they believe there is a problem – sometimes reassurance that the symptoms they are experiencing is normal may be all that is needed, and sometimes you may need to be reviewed. There are many horror stories of therapists blocking clients with problems because they don’t know how to treat them, and don’t want to take responsibility!
So are lip fillers safe? In a nutshell, yes when they are performed properly and safely, and you must feel comfortable and safe with your chosen practitioner. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and if things don’t feel right, go somewhere else. Best of all, come to me for your safe lip fillers, here at Lichfield Health and Fitness Club, Boley Park, Lichfield, WS14 9XU
So now you’ve learnt a little more – it’s time we had a consultation. Click below to book in and we’ll discuss your treatment plan.