When I started my little clinic 8 years ago, I had not long left the Royal Navy, having spent 18 years in Service, and left as a QARNNS Nursing Officer. If I am honest, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do, just that I didn’t want to work for the NHS!! I was privileged to be able to spend some time at home with my little boy, and my daughter who was in reception at this point.
However I knew I wanted to work, but decided that I should work for myself. Having had soprano ice laser hair removal a couple of years before, I decided that, as it had been so life changing for me, it would be an amazing thing to be able to offer others. I managed to get onto a short but concise business course, and within 3 months had launched my business, and purchased my first laser!
About a year later, people kept telling me that I should start doing injectables. A colleague of mine had convinced me to start having some treatments in my own lines and wrinkles, and asked why I didn’t start doing it myself. Initially, it didn’t feel like the right thing for me – I didn’t know much about the skin, or beauty, and I wasn’t really into doing that much with my own skin, so I put it off.
After a couple of years I decided to start doing other treatments, including laser and IPL skin treatments, and I took on the brilliant Alumier range for treatments and homecare products. I still didn’t feel confident enough at this point to start injecting – after all, I had a huge amount to learn with all these other treatments! I LOVE my other treatments – I love the results, and the process of gaining someone’s trust and getting them great results.
However it was starting to feel more and more like there was something missing from my practice, and I knew that the time was coming to start some more training! Eventually, under the support of the brilliant Michelle Worthington of MWAH, I decided to take the leap!
Unsurprisingly, I have loved every minute of the training (I started with three training course in quick succession as I always want as much information as possible before I start anything!) Dermal fillers is definitely an art – I love the creativity of it, and watching the changing shape of someone’s face come to life. Wrinkle smoothing is more functional, but it is still great to know the kind of results it will give, and it is very satisfying! I now offer a range of dermal fillers, including cheek fillers, which is great for lifting mouth lines and adding back the volume that is lost as we age), fillers for naso-labial folds and marionette lines (lower face fillers – around the mouth), as well as treatments for the lines and wrinkles around our eyes (crow’s feet or laughter lines), frown lines (the glabellar or ‘11’s’ between the eyes) and forehead wrinkles.
If you want to know more about what I do, visit the rest of the website, or visit us on our Facebook profile @sallywagstaffaesthetics!
So now you’ve learnt a little more – it’s time we had a consultation. Click below to book in and we’ll discuss your treatment plan.