Get results from skin treatments and products in Lichfield!

I thought it was about time to share my skin story – after all, I can’t recommend something that I haven’t seen results from myself can I! I never thought I would get results from skin treatments and products like I have! 4 years ago I had no skin care routine. I washed my face with whatever was available, rarely took my make up off and had skin so dry it used to feel like it might split. The only thing I really did with any regularity was moisturise! My main problems were Dryness and dehydration (these are different things) Rosacea Deep lines and wrinkles on my forehead and around my eyes Sun damage and pigmentation I started having anti-wrinkle treatments because I had such deep lines in my forehead and around my eyes, but I still didn’t have any skin care. My skin was never going to improve, but I thought the treatments I was having would help. But on their own they never would. Then I discovered Alumier. Within days my skin started to improve, and very quickly my anti wrinkle treatments became further and further apart (from 3 months, to 6, then 9, then 12, and to date its almost 2 years since I had anything like that) So what do I do now? Morning: Hydraboost cleanser Bright & Clear brightening solution Everactive C&E Alumineye serum Ultimate boost serum Moisture Matte Sand SPF and moisturiser Night (I admit to still being a bit hit and miss at night, but when I do, is this:) Hydraboost cleanser Bright & Clear brightening solution Retinol 0.5% Retinol eye gel 0.1% Ultimate boost serum If I’m feeling dry I would then use Hydradew moisturiser. So what treatments do I have? As I said I’ve not had injectables for 2 years now. I have Alumier Chemical peels, (I try to do one a month) occasional Skinpen microneedling, (2-3 a year), and the most recent treatment I have had is the fabulous Wow! Facial! I still have a few lines on my forehead – but I’m nearly 46, so I’m ok with that! However I believe that without the home care routine my skin would be nowhere near the condition it is now. I heard a great analogy the other day – treatments without the right medical grade skin care is a bit like trying to fix dry, crumbling mortar on a house wall with a power washer. Fix the mortar (home care), then the power washer (treatments) will leave the walls surface clean, gleaming and free of blemishes! Your home care is 50% of your result! Want to know more? Call me for a consultation – but be in for the long game, all home care and treatments take time to give the results you want, it took 30, 40, 50 years for your skin to be how it is now, give me 12 months and I promise I will turn it around for you! #homecare #alumiermd #chemicalpeels #wowfacial #microneedling #antiageing #retinol #results #glowingskin #skintightening #exfoliation #lichfield #westmidlands #burtonontrent
Results from skin treatments Lichfield
Look how deep the lines were in my forehead! And the pigmentation!
Results of skin treatments lichfield
My skin now! No make up, just great skin!!
Results of rosacea skin treatments Lichfield
Rosacea and redness were really problematic!
Treatment for wrinkles lchfield
My skin has improved so much in the last 4 years!

So now you’ve learnt a little more – it’s time we had a consultation. Click below to book in and we’ll discuss your treatment plan.

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aesthetics lichfield